Araya’s Chief Researcher Nakai Selected for JST’s FOREST Program

On June 25, 2024, it has been announced that the research proposal of Dr. Tomoya Nakai, Chief Researcher of the Research and Development Department at Araya Inc., “A Computational Approach to Mathematical Brain Information Representation”, has been selected for the FY2023 Fusion Oriented Research for Disruptive Science and Technology (FOREST) Program, led by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

This research project aims to pioneer a field called the “Science of Mathematics”, scientifically exploring the origins of mathematical thinking and the neural mechanisms in the brain.

Related Links
Tomoya Nakai – Member Page
Announcement of the FY2023 New Research Proposals Selected for the FOREST Program (in Japanese only)
Selected proposals for FY2023 call has been decided. (in Japanese only)