Araya’s X Communication Team Has Been Nominated to the BCI Award 2024

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the X Communication Team (Team Lead: Dr. Shuntaro Sasai) from the Research and Development Department of Araya Inc. was nominated for the BCI Award 2024. This time, the announcement of the TOP 12 for this award has been made, and the announcement of the TOP 3, who will be eligible for the award, will take place on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 9:00 PM (Japan time).
In the team’s paper “Scaling Law in Neural Data: Non-Invasive Speech Decoding with 175 Hours of EEG Data,” submitted to arXiv this July, they revealed that the accuracy of speech decoding, which has been challenging with non-invasive EEG, scales as the amount of data increases. In addition to this, the team made new discoveries, including that accuracy can be restored to the same level with just 30 minutes of data calibration, even with data from seven months later, and that the model trained on long-duration data can be efficiently transferred to other subjects.
Currently, the team is recruiting new team members to advance research together, as listed below (pages are in Japanese). If you are interested, please feel free to apply.

Positions Available:
R&D Department Administrative Staff/Secretary (Dual Role)
BMI Research Team Administrative Staff/Research Assistant
Conversational BCI Researcher (Available in English)
BMI Experiment Collaborators (Full-time/Part-time)
BMI Technician

Related Links
The BCI Award 2024 Website
Discovery of a Scaling Law in Deep Learning Using EEG: A Path Towards Practical Non-Invasive Speech BMI (X Communication Team Research Article)
X Communication Team – Team Page